It is crow season. I walked downtown on this beautifully cold morning, and the snow began as I walked, a skim coat of ice crunching under the little spikes on my shoes.
it is sunrise on the mountain in the short days. December proceeds apace, crawling and running,in only a fortnight the days…
I was too afraid, in October, to walk with a silver balloon to the gate at the ICE detention facility…
It’s 2021May the fires still burnMay we light ever moreMay you stay awake if you are now; may you be…
It took me a long time, too long, to decide how to tell this story. I have been a tour…
It is past time to change the Washington and Lee University’s name. In every shift of cultural values there are times that acting is courageous, and will be seen as a marker by which, from that time forward, one measures ethical behavior. And there are times after which acting can be only seen as reluctant capitulation, marking the organization as obstinate, trenchant, cowardly.
Do we call upon ourselves a Tower card? Maybe this is what we want: an utter tearing down of everything…
It is cold here, and wet. The weather dips into warmth for an hour, a part of a day —…
once upon a time, I had a blog. I started cafe mama in March 2004. I was an early adopter.…
I am always in love with love. But do you want to see me happy? Follow me on a bike tour,…